Please follow the below guide creating a booking within Arbor:
Go to School -> Timetable -> Sites & Rooms -> Free Room Finder
Near the top of the page, change the filter to the date and times you need it for
In the search box underneath, search for laptops, all the trolleys will appear. Trolleys booked at the times provided in the filter will have a cross against them under the ‘Free?’ column, you can still click and view availability for other times/days.
Click on a trolley, the calendar for it will open.
Click in the square representing the start time for when you wish to book it for
Fill in details – General Event for event type, class code in event name, location for the booking in narrative – this helps us to locate trolleys, and class code/individuals in the participants box. DO NOT change location – the location in this case is the trolley as Arbor treats it like a room, changing this will change the trolley being booked.
If booking for a period of time on a single day, fill in the Single School Event section, and click ‘Create school event’
If booking for a period of time on multiple days (e.g. lessons where they are regularly used), fill in the Repeating School Event section as appropriate, then click ‘Create repeating school event’. You can repeat the booking every calendar week, every week A or every week B. You can also specify whether a booking repeats during term time only or not.
You can also add attachments underneath all of this.
Your booking will appear on the calendar, recurring bookings will appear on the days/times chosen for the event to repeat.
If you have any problems please contact the IT support team.