Parents’ Evening Using Teams
Setup guidance
During this process you will create a team’s meeting for the duration of the parents’ evening. This will generate a hyperlink; this hyperlink will be shared so that a link can be placed on the school website.
Parents will click on the link for their class teacher, and this will allow them to join the meeting – teachers then allow the family member(s) in – and at the end of the time, eject them from the meeting. Parents can use any device to join, do not need an email address or a team’s account.
Advice for staff:
• We recommend that you complete the meeting with your video ON. This allows you to see who is in the room for Safeguarding.
• You can use the custom wallpapers to blur your background if you are not in school.
Step 1 – Creating a Microsoft Teams meeting.
1. You can do this in Outlook or Outlook Online, these steps are for Outlook online.
2. Visit and login with your Office365 credentials
3. At the bottom left, click on the calendar icon
4. At the top left, click New Event
5. Complete the details for your event. In the invite Attendees line, add [email protected]
6. For location, ensure that teams meeting is selected:
7. Click Save
8. CRSAAT IT will generate the links and place on website/supply to be sent to parents.
9. You will need to repeat this for each parents event if held over multiple evenings
Parents’ Evening Using Teams
Setup guidance
Step 2 – Running your meeting
1. About 15 minutes prior to the event, load up Teams. You should have this installed on your PC or laptop.
2. Click Calendar, and locate the event, click Join
3. Click on the 3 dots that are on the meeting bar, and select meeting options
On the meeting options screen:
a. Set Who can Bypass to Only me
b. Set who can present to: Only Me
c. Click Save
4. When a parent arrives for the meeting (they will have clicked the link from the website or email they have been sent) you will need to admit them.
5. At the end of the time for a parent, you need to remove them, click on the Participants menu, locate the parent, and right click their name, and click remove
Above: Click the participants icon Right: Right click on the parent, choose remove participant