Educare provides a series of courses for schools.

When you have been registered with Educare you will be sent an email inviting you to log in and set your password for their system.


Make sure you have a computer with working headphones as there are a number of videos to watch in most of the courses.

Allow up to an hour for each course. Some will be a bit shorter or longer but most of them take around one hour to complete.

When you enter your email address use all lowercase characters. Any uppercase characters will be rejected by Educare and you will not be able to log in or set your password.

Your password can, and should, contain uppercase and lowercase characters.

When you have logged in you will see there is a section called My Courses. Click on that.

That will give you a list of courses. Simply scroll through the list of courses until you find the one that you have been asked to complete.

When you have clicked on a course you will be given instructions on how to complete it. 

If you have not had an invitation to join Educare you can request a new invitation. Please contact IT Support who can request the invitation again.