Step by Step guide for creating a virtual server.
This guide shows a Failover cluster. If you're using a standalone host create the Virtual Machine using Hyper-V Manager.
The steps are almost the same.
Open Failover Cluster Manager:
Select the cluster from the left hand blade and expand it out to the roles category:
Select Virtual Machines -> New Virtual Machine
Select a host server from the list (This is where the VM will be created not stored):
Click Next on the First page
Give the VM a Name (The name must be the same as the name that will be set in windows)
Also select where the VM will be stored. It must be under C:\ClusterStorage\... if part of a failover cluster or E:\ if a standalone host.
Specify the generation of the VM. Typically this will be Generation 2:
Enter the amount of RAM in MB (1024 MB = 1GB)
Select the virtual switch for the VM (In most deployments there are only one
Enter Size of Hard Drive
Select the ISO File for the OS installer Most are stored in C:\ClusterStorage\..\1_ISO or E:\1_ISO
Select Next and Finish & Finish again
Right Click the VM and select settings
Increase the core count under virtual processors to at least 4 for Windows Servers
Apply & Ok