To add a signature to your Outlook go to the search bar at the top of Outlook and start typing "signature"
When the "Signature" result shows, click on it then click Signatures...
In the Signatures and Stationery menu you can create, edit and delete your signatures. Create your signature, give it a name and edit it in the Edit signature section. You can copy and paste from a previous email if you've had a signature before.
Once created, ensure that in the "New messages" and "Replies/forwards" drop downs, you have selected the signature otherwise it will not appear on new emails or replies/forwards.
Please see the template signature below, don't forget to amend it to match your specific school or needs!
| Waseley Hills High School School Road, Rubery, Birmingham, B45 9EL tel: 0121 453 5211 |
A member of Central Region Schools Trust. Supporting social justice through exceptional schools.
Our Trust Values:
Community |Creativity |Integrity |Excellence | Respect
P Please consider the environment before printing this email | Job Vacancies
Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 08166526
Registered Office: Central Regional Schools Trust B.06 Assay Studios 141-143 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1SF
If you have any problems please contact the IT support team.
Email –
Phone – 0121 8177000