Export contacts from Squirrel mail:

  1. log onto squirrel mail with your username and password
  2. select the 'addresses' button at the top of the window, this will display all of your contacts
  3. select all the contacts you wish to export
  4. scroll down to the bottom of the page under the heading 'address book export' and select 'export to CSV file' (please leave all settings above as default)
  5. This will then download a file, please keep this file for importing into office 365

Import contacts into office 365:

  1. Log into office 365 with your school username and password
  2. select the 'outlook' button from the apps menu
  3. once your emails have loaded, click on the 'cog' in the top right hand corner by your initials:

4. in the side bar that opens, please type in, 'import' into the search bar at the top and select the 'import your contact's' option that appears in the list:

5. once you select the 'import your contacts' option a new page will open, please select the option 'outlook 2010 ,2013 or 2016'

6. select 'browse' and point to the CSV file you exported previously and click 'upload'

If you have any problems please contact the IT support team.

Email it@crst.org.uk

Phone0121 8177000