This guide primarily focuses on debian, substitute commands for other distros where required.
The zabbix agent for linux can be easily installed using a script. The script is stored in the Central IT Support Sharepoint under:
Documents\Central Store\2_Documentation\Central Scripts\Zabbix\Linux Install
Note: For Arrow Vale It is also in the \\arrowvalecur\netlogon\Zabbix\Linux Install folder
1. To copy the file from Widows to Linux, use WinSCP. (WinSCP uses ssh, make sure you have ssh enabled and configured correctly using this guide: )
2. Make the script executable by running chmod +x
3. Execute the script to install and edit config ./
Issue addressed
Some older releases of the zabbix agent do not support TLSConnect, to get around this you can manually install the zabbix-agent with a .deb package:
Go to
Check you are on the correct documentation version, for the version of the server that is installed:
In this case, I was installing it on AVA's smoothwall host which was running on debian 8 (jessie), you can find what version you are running by using the command cat /etc/*-release
Follow the download link and run the commands to install the zabbix repository. The script will work from there as it installs zabbix using apt install zabbix-agent.