This guide will show you how to create new pages and Posts within WordPress.

Step 1 - 

Please log into the trust website you wish to edit, if you don't know how to do this, please follow the below Guide:

Step 2 - 

Once signed in you will be taken to the sites Dashboard, on the left hand side you will see an option for pages and one for posts, to create either select the option to add new page or post as shown below:

In this guide I am going to show how to add a new Post but the steps can also be followed to add a new page. 

Step 3 - 

Once I have selected 'add page' under posts I am taken to a new blank page where I can add a title and information I wish to add. 

Help and information on how to add and edit blocks can be found on the below article:

Step 4 - 

Once you have added the content you wish to have on your post, you need to specify a featured image, this is the image that will show up with the post once you publish it. to do this, select the 'featured image' drop down on the right hand side of the page, click on featured image and either choose to upload a picture from your machine or use an existing picture from the media library:

Now that the featured image has been set and your content has been added, you can preview the page you have made without it going live by pressing the 'preview' option in the top right corner of the screen. 

Once you are happy with the post you can press the 'update' button in the top right corner - Please be aware this will update the page publicly

Your post will now be visible within the news section of the website.