This guide will show you have you can access SIMS from outside of school using the School Dashboard. 

*Please note not all staff will be able to see SIMS on the Dashboard, if you can't see SIMS, please contact IT support. 

Step One - Access your school's secure dashboard by opening your preferred browser like Chrome for example. In the address bar across the top enter type out:

Secure.(followed by your schools address) so for example as shown below: 

Please now press enter and it will load the secure Dashboard. 

Step Two - Once the Dashboard has loaded you will see a login screen, please login with your normal school username and password. 

Step 3 - Once you have logged into the dashboard you will see a list of programs on the screen, please double click on SIMS,.

Step 4 - SIMS will now load (please allow a little time) and you can login and use SIMS as normal. 

If you have any problems, please contact IT support