Advice for Schools

If your school goes into partial or full lockdown, you are entitled to DfE Devices for disadvantaged students (in addition to any you may have received. for Y11 students in lockdown)
Our team can help you order these, and show you how many have been allocated. These devices will need to be setup by Lourdes IT prior to distribution to your students.


In Years R,1,2 pupils will struggle to access resources on Office365 without parent support. We suggest:


Students at this level will be able to access their Office365 accounts by logging in, this allows them to access a wide range of resources, we suggest focusing on:

For whole school events or for communicating and sharing with parents, why not try Teams Live Events?

Getting help using Office365

Training resources 

Quick Start Guides

Safety when using new software/devices at school and home

Using Teams Safely for Staff

Microsoft have created a great resource for schools to use to understand how to keep students and staff safe when using teams.

Keeping safe when using devices at home

With many schools now asking students to use devices in lessons, and at home - perhaps unsupervised whilst parents work at home - how can we help parents ensure their children are safe?

Keeping your school networks safe

There are more risks being presented to us as we try to keep your networks safe then ever before, and as schools move into the cloud, we are presented with new challenges and risks.

  • Keep your data safe, by switching on MFA (Multi-Factor-Authentication) for at least staff accounts. You can whitelist your school broadband so you do not need to do anything additional in school, just when at home
  • We can run simulated phishing attacks to identify vulnerable users and ensure training and protection is in place
  • Password security for staff and students is vitally important, password management is a life skill
  • There are useful graphics from NCSC here for families and your school.